Monday, February 27, 2012

More bananas and some crochet

I have another banana treat for you!!! this was one of my favorites when i was a wee one, and I wanted to see if my kids liked it as much as I did.... I am sure its not as healthy as the banana ice cream, but it is good.

Chocolate covered bananas

My kids LOVED it..(well the 3 that will touch a banana, 1 would get near them). hope you all had a nice weekend.. we had a fun and relaxing one.. didn't do any rock climbing but did take the kiddos out to a park and my husband was having the boys run through some soccer drills.. while i tried to show the girls how i could do kart wheels(well i mean how i used to be able to do them)... well let me tell you that i am pretty sore today..( I only did 4 of them). WOW I need to get in shape.

My friend and I are CRAZY!!! we signed up to do a 5K... well she is actually doing a 10K(my husband talked her into it) and I am doing the 5K... be neither of us even like to run. who know what we were thinking. So its called Run for the Mountain.. and its in Flagstaff, which is sitting at about 6000 ft in elevation.. and we are at 3200 ft.. so I think we have some training to do!!!!

I have also been working on some crocheted washcloths to put in my etsy shop... i really need to get some things in there..
Have a great Monday!!!

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