OK, i really like to garden and i would love to feed my family, wholesome, organic homegrown fruits and veggies. Here in this state, the state that has is own sun that is hotter than everywhere else...except maybe this year(we have had a wonderfully cool spring and summer actually just started here, which is super weird, but nice, usually its been in the high 90s and 100s all June)anyway, I have tried to garden here for years...and its either, i have to water the garden like three times a day because is so hot, or the grasshoppers eat it all up, or ... something else disastrous happens... well, this right here is why I'm about to start crying... i actually grew something!!!!! i can not believe it, i was just jumping for joy!!!

isn't it beautiful!!!I am very anxious to see if anything else grow... i have planted artichokes, cantaloupe, tomato, basil, lavender, green beans, pumpkins, bell pepper, pickling cucumbers, marigolds and the lovely yellow crook neck squash. Happy gardening!!!
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