Sunday, August 9, 2009

redo it is, the jeans into skirts post. this is going to be ongoing of things that i have remade into something else.
All sorts of things, sheets into skirts, mens polo shirts into skirts, towels into beach bags... and anything else i can get my hands onto. have a great day!!!

A mens shirt into a simple skirt.

more redos to come

Friday, July 17, 2009

i believe, its a little hot....

I know this is a little blurry, but it flippin hot! i think it says 112 degrees. i know... we live in Arizona, its the desert, we should be used to it. well, when it feels like a furnace outside its hard to get used to... so we tried to stay cool.
we did puzzles... inside! we had a band... inside!

we did venture outside, for a while, and tried to get cooled off. but then the water got to warm....haha!

my son just came in to tell me the temp. now... its 7: 50 pm and its still 95 degrees.... try to stay cool you desert lovers!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

just a reminder...

this is just a reminder, that we all need recycle!!! if we don't and we keep consuming like we do grandchildren and yours, are going to be LIVING ON A GARBAGE DUMP!!! and i don't know about you but i really don't want that to happen. So please please please,

buy things with less packaging, bring your canvas bags to the store, and just stop consuming as much... we will all be better off in the end!

I just had to vent a little... thanks for letting me. We do not have mandatory recycling here where i live and its very frustrating for me. I pay for a recycling service to come pick up my recycling, and I think its worth it...but most people don't and therefore they don't recycle. so there trash cans are piled to the rim, i mean almost overflowing every week.... i mean seriously, how can you have so much that is going to the landfill.. but people do. most weeks our can is about 1/4 to 1/2 full and we have a family of six... we recycle everything we can(oh, i was appalled when my recycle guy stopped me in the drive way and said they don't take the strawberry containers, are you kidding me...thats another story)we compost all our fruit and veggie scraps, and i always try to choose things that aren't packed with tons of stuff!! i know it can be hard... but i am challenging everyone who reads this blog to do the CUT YOUR TRASH IN 1/2 CHALLENGE... COME ON YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

God Bless America

happy independence day!!! we had a great time at the town cram social, snow cones, raffles, games, crafts, rides on the vintage fire truck, decorated bikes and wagons!!!fun fun fun hope you had a great one too!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

aahh...the joys of camping!


Its funny, that we want to be out in the great outdoors, enjoying nature, but we bring almost our entire household when we do it. It took me forever to pack up all the food and necessary items for our camping trip. (i thought "this is so much work"). We did have a great time, and the kids were entertaining themselves without any help from me. I can't believe how 4 children could get so dirty, and go through all their clothes on the first day. But the most important part is memories made with good friends, that will last forever!!!

Happy camping!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I am about to shed a tear!!!

OK, i really like to garden and i would love to feed my family, wholesome, organic homegrown fruits and veggies. Here in this state, the state that has is own sun that is hotter than everywhere else...except maybe this year(we have had a wonderfully cool spring and summer actually just started here, which is super weird, but nice, usually its been in the high 90s and 100s all June)anyway, I have tried to garden here for years...and its either, i have to water the garden like three times a day because is so hot, or the grasshoppers eat it all up, or ... something else disastrous happens... well, this right here is why I'm about to start crying... i actually grew something!!!!! i can not believe it, i was just jumping for joy!!!

isn't it beautiful!!!I am very anxious to see if anything else grow... i have planted artichokes, cantaloupe, tomato, basil, lavender, green beans, pumpkins, bell pepper, pickling cucumbers, marigolds and the lovely yellow crook neck squash. Happy gardening!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

backyard chicken farming

First of all, look at the size of this moth... I know its really hard to tell how big it is in this picture, but it was HUGE! It was on my kitchen window screen, so I grabbed my sewing measuring tape to measure its body, let me tell you... it was 2 and 1/2 inches long, just the body. It is very buggy where I live and if you leave your porch light on for a couple of hrs, you have to hop inside like a bunny unless you want a million bugs flying in. well thank goodness for these gals, since we have had your chicken, i have noticed less buggyness. We are new to this,backyard chicken farming. We really are not even supposed to have chickens in our neighborhood unless you are in 4h. But our neighbors don't mind. So we got 4 baby chicks in march, and oh they were so cute, then we found two in our driveway(our town gives away baby chicks at the town Easter egg hunt, and they have been dyed, bright colors, before they had hatched... i know i know real smart)someone had got them at the egg hunt and obviously was not prepared to have baby chicks(i.e. a cage, heat lamp, food)... anyway they got loose or let go and ended up in our drive way. one was bright orange and one bright yellow.. so now we have 6... they are fun, and i cant wait to start getting their eggs.... i just hope that the two we found are not roosters.... does anyone know how to tell a hen from a rooster at this age???

Happy chicken farming!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

life is just a bowl full of cherries????

I just love summertime cherries....except when you have 16lbs of moldy ones!!! Here in our area they have this great volunteer program where you can get a basket full of vegetables and a basket full of fruit for $15. Such a great deal... and oh... how I love a great deal. Its called Bountiful Baskets food co-op, and its growing rapidly, if your interested and you live in southern Utah or Arizona, you can check out their website,

Well you can also get extra yummies, and this last week I bought a 16 lbs box of cherries for $14.50, which is about 90 cents a lbs. great deal.....IF..... you have time to do something with them. I mean after you have eaten your fill.

Its not such a great deal if you leave to go camping and come back to about half of them moldy....NO NOT MOLDY CHERRIES... so when i got back, I had to try and salvage what was left and sit for hrs and pit them and put some in the freezer(for cobblers later on) and dried the rest in the dehydrator. So much for a great is a great (sort of secret ) super easy cobbler recipe that you can use any fruit. My mom taught me how to make this and its been a favorite of mine.... i mean i could eat the whole pan.

The name officially is Lazy Women's Pie..... although we changed the name to Busy Women's Pie.... I mean who's lazy around here, anyway???

So, heat your oven to 350 and get out your 9x13 baking dish, and melt 1 cube (I will be taking a poll on this later) butter in the oven while your mixing up 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp cinnamon, and 1/2 cup milk..... OK then after the butter is melted(be careful not to burn the butter) then dollop the mixture in the butter, it won't cover the bottom, but its OK just dollop it around, then take 3-4 cups of fruit(you can sweeten it with honey or sugar, if its not real sweet fruit) then dump that on top and bake at 350 for about 35-40 minutes.... and you can serve with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.... this is so good!!!!

try no to eat the whole thing...share, I know its hard!!!!

sorry, I do not have a picture of the busy women's pie.... We ate it!!! you will just have to make it yourself!!!

ok so I am very curious to know how many people say a cube of butter or a stick???? I have always said cube, probably because that is what my mom always says, but its not really a cube, its more of a rectangle... any way is it a regional thing... let me know what you call it!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009


I really need to get some new clothes, but I just refuse to pay retail prices for clothes, there are just to many bargains, just waiting for me to find them. so what to do...why not "recycle" my old ones. Some people call me crazy... but not my soul sister over at she did the same thing on the same day, without me even knowing... crazy we are... so i bought this shirt at a yard sale for $1, because I liked the print but it was way to big, so i tried to take it in, but it never looked right.

So i thought why not recycle it and make something new out of it... here it is be fore

and there you go, a new skirt, from a shirt, that cost one buck...yeah!!! feel free to show me what you have been re -purposing

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Here is the French families blog if you want to follow them!!

unexpected visiters

Here an interesting story... a while ago I was driving home and noticed a family bicycling down the road. Normally I would not really think to much about that, but they had small children and their bikes were loaded down with packs and traveling gear. Well I was very interested in what they were doing, so I turned around and stopped to ask what they were doing and where they were going.... Well come to find out through their heavy french accents, they were bicycling from Cancun Mexico to Canada.....WITH THEIR 4SMALL CHILDREN.....I was shocked. I have 4 small children and I could not imagine this venture. Their 11 and 8yr old rode his own bike, their 5 yr old was on a tandem behind her dad and the 2 yr old was in a bike trailer, being pulled by the mom. I could not even imagine my family doing this, my 2 yr old would not sit in a trailer all day. The trip was going to take 6 months... wow!

Well of course i was very interested and asked where they slept, and they said along side the road or just at interested peoples house that offer.... well, since I was so interested, i said," come on over to my house and you can spend the night and have dinner". Not remembering that my house was a complete disaster(as usual) and i needed to hurry and warn my husband coming home from work, that their was a french family staying at our house for the night. oh well, it ended up being very fun and was great to meet such nice adventurous people. the children did not speak English, and my daughter keep asking why they would not talk to her... they don't understand you, honey! But we could understand the couple, Marie and Fred.

We had a great dinner and they slept out in our tent camper, they showered and updated their blog... which I have been trying to follow to see where they are now, but its all in french. (if anyone knows how i can get their blog translated, let me know), and of course they offered, when ever we go to France to come stay with them... that would be fun.

Normally I would have never stopped, my husband is a police officer and he would have freaked, but now I'm so glad I did, I would have never got to meet such a sweet family, that really was just like mine, just much, much, more adventurous.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

big box of clothes

OK... well I am definitely a PACK RAT... my mom is a pack rat, my grandma was a pack rat... so therefore I'm a PACK RAT. So in my garage, i got my big sweet pickle to let my have one corner of space to put whatever i want in it. Well he was giving me a hard time, asking why i was saving a big box of clothes, that surly was supposed to be going to the thrift store...well, i said, "i am going to make a rug out of our old clothes"... well let me tell you my husband already thinks I'm nuts... but this was over the top, "sure, and why wouldn't we want a old clothes rug" , but i reminded him that this is my square in the garage that he was not allowed to make me get rid of any thing in that corner.

So if any one has made a rug out of your old clothes let me know... and in the future of this blog, I will be sharing lots of other ridiculous recycling projects that i do, because I just cant throw anything out, that i can recycle and reuse. I am a PACK RAT... I will admit it!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009


O>K> this is just crazy... where does the time go, Alright, now im really going to try and keep up with this blog...... I just have so many things that i want and need to do, and i think I just get overwhelmed and nothing gets done

Like right now, I am training for a triathlon, I am trying to keep up with a garden(i mean the weeds), i want to take a guitar and a sewing class that starts next week. I told a friend i would sew her a skirt out of jeans, i also told a friend i would take pictures of him to start his portfolio, I am trying to start a business...I feel like I am always cleaning and my house is always a mess.....then there are just the daily things to do with taking care of my four little dill pickles and my big sweet pickle.... any who, there are just not enough hours in a day, what to do, what to do

Well my great friend over at has inspired my to try and keep this blog updated... so here goes another try.. have a great day!!