Thursday, December 15, 2011

Goats on my phone!!

So... i have this little love affair with goats... im pretty sure that it is because we had goats when i was about 5 years old and i have pictures of my brother and i holding baby goats(which i don't really remember, but the pics are great) and i also have a picture of myself in the goat pin, and my mom entered the pic in some sort of contest..who knows what type of contest(maybe girls raised by goats.. or goat weekly)...and i won  and my prize was...a pair of roller skates!!!!.... i remember loving those skates... they where the coolest skates ever...

any way... since then i have loved goats!! so my ringtone on my phone... is a... goat... baaaing or bleating.. or whatever they do...everytime my phone rings... i think...oh my little baby goat is calling me... i have been trying to get my kids to join 4H so we can get a goat(in our neighborhood, we can only have farm animals if we are in FFA or 4H) 

BUT.. i did just get the opportunity to milk 2 goats for 4 days.... my friend that owns goats was going out of town and needed a milker.... i jumped at the chance... not knowing what i was doing... but had a lot of fun and i got to keep the milk.

So i have been making some goaty things.... i made goat milk soap(for Christmas gifts) I used a recipe from is is Dr. Brent Ridge recipe... and hopefully i did it right. and i added some peppermint oil.
Then i made some goat cheese...
i didn't get any pics of the making of it which im super bummed about... but here is the final outcome... i rolled it in some dill and minced onion.. pretty tasty i may say....

so today im making goat milk fudge... which im super excited about... i will post pics soon.... so what are all of you making for Christmas.... i would love to hear???

happy making!!!